Anaplasmosis in Domestic Feline (Felis cattus) on South of Brazil: a Case Report


  • Alexsander Ferraz Federal University of Pelotas, Veterinary School, Department of Preventive Veterinary. RS, Brazil.
  • Carolina da Fonseca Sapin University Center of Serra Gaúcha (FSG), Department of Pathological Anatomy. RS, Brazil.
  • Renata Fontes Ongaratto Federal University of Pelotas, Veterinary School, Department of Preventive Veterinary. RS, Brazil.
  • Gabriela de Almeida Capella Federal University of Pelotas, Veterinary School, Department of Preventive Veterinary. RS, Brazil.
  • Paola Renata Joanol Dallmann Federal University of Pelotas, Veterinary School, Department of Preventive Veterinary. RS, Brazil.
  • Pedro Spagnol Federal University of Pelotas, Veterinary School, Department of Preventive Veterinary. RS, Brazil.
  • Tiago Felipe Barbosa Moreira Federal University of Pelotas, Veterinary School, Department of Preventive Veterinary. RS, Brazil.
  • Cleber Martins Ribeiro Federal University of Pelotas, Veterinary School, Department of Preventive Veterinary. RS, Brazil.
  • Rodrigo Casquero Cunha Federal University of Pelotas, Veterinary School, Department of Preventive Veterinary. RS, Brazil.
  • Luiz Filipe Damé Schuch Federal University of Pelotas, Veterinary School, Department of Preventive Veterinary. RS, Brazil
  • Leandro Quintana Nizoli Federal University of Pelotas, Veterinary School, Department of Preventive Veterinary. RS, Brazil



Anaplasmose é uma hemoparasitose causada pelo Anaplasma platys, uma bactéria gram-negativa, intracelular obrigatória que parasita as plaquetas do hospedeiro. A infecção ocorre principalmente pela picada do carrapato Rhipicephalus sanguineus e os sinais clínicos, quando presentes, costumam ser inespecíficos, como anorexia, apatia, mucosas pálidas, hipertermia e linfonodos aumentados. Na análise do sangue, o principal achado é a trombocitopenia. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever um caso de anaplasmose em felino doméstico no município de Pelotas no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A amostra de sangue analisada foi procedente de um felino, adulto, fêmea, e sem raça definida. Na avaliação clínica, foi observado a presença de pulgas e carrapatos. No hemograma, as únicas alterações observadas foram trombocitopenia e eosinofília, e no exame bioquímico não foram detectadas alterações. No esfregaço sanguíneo foram visualizadas estruturas compatíveis com mórulas em plaquetas, característico de Anaplasma platys. A partir do diagnóstico, instituiu-se o tratamento com doxiciclina a cada 12 horas por via oral, durante 14 dias, e para controle dos ectoparasitos foi utilizado ectoparasiticida tópico a base de Selamectina. Ao término do tratamento, foi realizado novo esfregaço sanguíneo, não sendo mais observadas mórulas de A. platys, indicando eficácia do tratamento.


Palavras chave: Gatos. Hemoparasito. Diagnóstico. Plaquetas.



Anaplasmosis is a parasitic blood infection caused by Anaplasma platys, an obligatory intracellular gram-negative bacterium which parasites the host’s blood platelets. The infection occurs mainly by the bite of the Rhipicephalus sanguineus tick and the clinical signs, when present, are nonspecific, such as anorexia, apathy, pale mucous membranes, hyperthermia and increased lymph nodes. On the blood analysis, the main finding is thrombocytopenia. Therefore, the aim of this work was to describe a case of anaplasmosis in a domestic feline in the city of Pelotas in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The analyzed blood sample came from a feline, adult, female and without defined race. On the clinical evaluation, it was observed the presence of fleas and ticks. On the hemogram, the only alterations observed were thrombocytopenia and eosinophilia, and in the biochemical exam there were no alterations. On the blood smear there were visualized structures compatible with morulae in blood platelets, a characteristic of Anaplasma platys. Following the diagnosis, the treatment with doxycycline was instituted  every 12 hours with oral administration, during 14 days, and for the  ectoparasites control an ectoparasiticide based on Selamectine was used. At the end of the treatment, a new blood smear was performed, no longer being observed morulae of A. platys, indicating the efficacy of the treatment.


Keywords: Cats. Blood Parasite. Diagnosis. Blood Platelets.


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Biografia do Autor

Gabriela de Almeida Capella, Federal University of Pelotas, Veterinary School, Department of Preventive Veterinary. RS, Brazil.






Como Citar

FERRAZ, Alexsander et al. Anaplasmosis in Domestic Feline (Felis cattus) on South of Brazil: a Case Report. Ensaios e Ciência: Ciências Biológicas, Agrárias e da Saúde, [S. l.], v. 26, n. 4, p. 398–401, 2023. DOI: 10.17921/1415-6938.2022v26n4p398-401. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 fev. 2025.


